
导读 大家好,乐天来为大家解答以下的问题,关于外国名著梗概450字六年级,外国名著梗概500字六年级这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


1、悲惨世界Jean Valjean (Liam Neeson) is released after 19 years in a quarry for stealing bread. He is hardened till he met a Bishop to stay for a night. Valjean changed and became the mayor after 9 years. Inspector Javert (Geoffrey Rush) recognises him and tries to reveal who he is. Fantine (Uma Thurman) a factory worker is fired because she has a bastard child. As a result, Fantine became a prostitue and became sick. Valjean realised what happened to her and takes care of her. Inspect Javert finally manage to reveal Valjean for who he was. Fantine dies and give Valjean the authority to take care of her child, Cosette. Valjean escapes and finds the child and lived in a church for 10 years. Cosette (Claire Danes) now grown up goes to Paris with Valjean during a revolution. Cosette met a man, Marius and falls in love. Inspector Javert finally realises that Valjean was in Paris and tries to find him again.。


