
导读 大家好,乐天来为大家解答以下的问题,关于中英文双语版简历模板,中英文简历模板这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、[Click h


1、[Click here and type address]   [Put Phone, Fax and E-mail here]   Max Benson   Objective [Click here and type objective]   Experience 1990–1994 Arbor Shoe South Ridge, SC   National Sales Manager    Increased sales from $50 million to $100 million.    Doubled sales per representative from $5 million to $10 million.    Suggested new products that increased earnings by 23%.   1985–1990 Ferguson and Bardwell South Ridge, SC   District Sales Manager    Increased regional sales from $25 million to $350 million.    Managed 250 sales representatives in 10 Western states.    Implemented training course for new recruits — speeding profitability.   1980–1984 Duffy Vineyards South Ridge, SC   Senior Sales Representative    Expanded sales team from 50 to 100 representatives.    Tripled division revenues for each sales associate.    Expanded sales to include mass-market accounts.   1975–1980 Lit Ware, Inc. South Ridge, SC   Sales Representative    Expanded territorial sales by 400%.    Received company’s highest sales award four years in a row.    Developed Excellence in Sales training course.   Education 1971–1975 South Ridge State University South Ridge, SC    B.A., Business Administration and Computer Science.    Graduated summa cum laude.   Interests SR Board of Directors, running, gardening, carpentry, computers.   Tips Select the text you would like to replace, and type your information.   我这有个英文的,没中文的啊!。


