
导读 大家好,乐天来为大家解答以下的问题,关于pep小学英语四年级下册期中测试卷答案,pep小学英语四年级下册期中测试卷这个很多人还不知道,现在


1、I. Look and write. 看图,在四线格内写出单词。

2、 1. It’s o’clock. It’s time for class. 2. It’s o’clock. It’s time for class 3. It’s o’clock. It’s time for class. 4. It’s o’clock. It’s time for class. 5. It’s o’clock. It’s time for class. II. Match.根据句意,连线。

3、1. I go to the garden to 2. I go to the library to3. I go to the canteen to4. I go to the teacher’s office to5. I go to the playground to6. I go to the art room toIII. Choose the best answers.选择最佳答案。

4、( )1. It’s 7:00. It’s time _____ get up.A. for B. to C. of( )2. It’s 12:00. It’s time_______ lunch.A. for B. to C. of( )3. His jeans ______ blue. My dress _____ red. A. is, are B. are, is C. are, are( )4. -______ is the canteen? -It’s on the first floor.A. What B. Where C.How( )5. -______ students are there in your class? - Forty-five.A. How old B. How C. How many( )6. Is this ______ T-shirt?A. you B. your C. I ( )7. Welcome _____ our school.A. to B. at C. in( )8. -What colour is it?-It’s _______. A. old B. big C. blueIV. Match and colour. 连一连,并涂上颜色。

5、 V. Translate.英泽汉。

6、1. get up __________ 2. go to school _________3. go home _________ 4. go to bed __________5. music room _______ 6. computer room ________7. teacher’s office________ 8.It’s your turn now________9. art room ________ 10. TV room _________VI. Look and write. 看图,用“this”或“that”填空,并写出回答。

7、1. A: Is a map? B: .2. A: Is a computer? B: Keys: I.1.eight, math 2.nine, Chinese 3.ten, music 4.two, English 5.four, P.EII.1.E 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.F 6.DIII.1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.CIV. 略V.1.起床 2.上学 3.回家 4.上床睡觉 5.音乐教室 6.计算机教室 7.教师办公室 8.该轮到你了 9. 绘画教室 10.电视机房VI.1.that, No, it isn’t 2.this, Yes, it is.。


