
导读 大家好,乐天来为大家解答以下的问题,关于限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别,限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句区别这个很多人还不


1、非限制性即不限制其先行词的性质、范围、特征,只是补充说明先行词; 限制性定语从句即限制先行词的性质、范围、特征,去掉会影响理解及意义; The man (who is in the middle ) is his father.(限制),限定范围,不是每个人都是。


3、 The man, who I knew before, is to come to our school.(非限制),补充说明“我认识那个人” 去掉每有影响。

4、 作完下边的的几道题,你就会区别了: 7. ---- How do you like the cake? ---- It’s quite different from _________ I had last month.A. that B. which ( C.) the one D. the one what (省略that) t8.The Nile, ___________electricity is produced, no longer destroys villages and crops.A. which (B.) from which C. from it D. from tha t9.In the 1950s, _________ blacks didn’t have equal rights, a lot of marches took place.(A.) when B. that C. which D. from which 10.Bob’s father, ____________, spent four years in Egypt.A. that worked on the project B. he worked on the project(C.) who worked on the project D. whom worked on the project11.The retiring teacher made a speech _________ she thanked the class for the gift.A. which B. of which C. in which D. that 12.Bob’s father, ____________, spent four years in Egypt. A. that worked on the project B. he worked on the project (C.) who worked on the project D. whom worked on the project 13.The retiring teacher made a speech _________ she thanked the class for the gift. A. which B. of which (C.) in which D. that . 14.. He has to work on Sundays, __________ he does not like 16. He paid the boy US $10 for washing ten windows, most ____ hadn’t been cleaned for at least year. A. these B. those C. that ( D.) of which 17. The boys, ___________ could not reach the shelf, went to look for something to stand on.the tall of whom ( B.) the tallest of whomC. the tallest one D. the tallest of them 18.19 20. This is Mr Smith, __________ I think has something interesting to tell you. (A.) who B. whom C. which D. whose 高考真题 1.       (2001) The film brought the hours back to me ______ I was taken good care of in that far-away village. A. until B. that C. when (D). where 2.       (2001) ________ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. A. It ( B.) As C. That D. What ()括号中的是正确答案,有逗号隔开的是非限制性定语从句. 附件:定语从句练习.ppt。


