
导读 大家好,霖霖来为大家解答以上问题。与礼物有关的英语,与礼物有关的英语单词很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!  practical 实


  practical 实用的

  be in memory of... 纪念……

  exchange gifts 交换礼物

  great sentimental value 特别的情感价值

  custom 习惯;风俗

  acceptable 可接受的

  can't be measured in terms of money 不能用金钱来衡量

  Fresh flower; 鲜花;

  Diamond; 钻石;

  Chocolate; 巧克力;

  Perfume; 香水;

  Cosmetics; 化妆品 ;

  Mobile phone; 手机 ;


  Cigarette 烟

  present,礼品,gift,礼品toy玩具flower,花card,ring,卡片key ring钥匙环



  I picked up a piece of red maple leaf and put it under the sun. I was so happy that the leaves became bright red. It was beautiful! I put the leaves where there is no sun. The leaves are a little black and not beautiful.


  Ill call it Caicai. Is that ok? I put it in front of my nose again and smell it. It seems to have a little taste of red dates. Its really fragrant!


  I put this maple leaf in a small box and let it stay there quietly with other leaves. Although it left the mother tree, with so many leaves, it should not be lonely.


  The next day, I opened the box and smelled a fragrant smell. I took it to my mother and she said it was really fragrant. I smell it for dad again, and he says its fragrant. I want to collect these fragrant leaves. This is a gift from the tree!


标签: 与礼物有关的英语单词
