
导读 大家好,霖霖来为大家解答以上问题。金钱方面的英语短语及例句很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!  We took out some money


  We took out some money to pay for the books. 我们取钱买了些书。

  2. pay in/into 存钱

  Instead of giving me a cheque, they paid the money directly into my bank account. 他们直接把钱打到我的账户,而不是给我支票。

  3. cut back 削减

  If we don’t cut back on expenses, we’re in danger of going bust. 如果我们不减少开支的话,我们就面临破产的危险。

  4. pay back 还钱

  I lent her $500 but she never paid back. 我借给她500美元但她从未还给我。

  5. come to (total) 总计

  The total for all the repairs comes to more than $60, 000. 修理总费用多达6万美元。

  6. pay off (a mortgage, debt) 偿还(债务)

  After 30 years, we finally managed to pay off the mortgage. 30年后,我们终于偿还了所有的抵押贷款。

  7. save up 省钱

  We’re saving up for a new car as our old one has broken down. 我们正在省钱买辆新车因为旧的已经坏了。

  8. write off 一笔勾销

  We had a number of bad debts that we had to write off, which was very painful. 我们有一笔烂帐要勾销,这太痛苦了。

  9、be in the money

  富裕的,有钱的 have a lot of money to spend; be rich

  To be able to buy a house of that size one has to be in the money.


  10、be made of money

  很有钱,富有 very wealthy

  I can't afford to buy you another car— do you think I'm made of money?


  11、for sb's money

  依某人看来 in sb's opinion

  For my money, you were by far the best actor in the play.


  12、get one's money's worth

  花得上算 get the full value in goods or services for the money one has spent

  We enjoyed the film so much that we felt we'd got our money's worth.


  13、have money to burn

  有的是钱 have so much money that is hard-earned and not to be wasted

  I've never seen anyone spend so much in one evening; he must have money to burn!



标签: 金钱方面的英语短语及例句
