
导读 大家好,霖霖来为大家解答以上问题。2017英语五年级用动词适当形式填空习题很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!  用所给动词的适当



  1.Do you like _____ (run) after dogs? No, I _______(do).

  2.What do you _____(like)? I like ____ (sit) on the ball.

  3.What ____ (do ) Liu Tao _____ (have)? He _____ (have) a towel.

  4.What is Jack ____ (do) ? He’s ______(listen) to music.

  5. Don’t _____ (draw) on the desk.

  6..Don’t forget _____ (open) the door.

  7.I’d like ____ ____ (climb) the tree.

  8.There ____ (be) some chicken in the tin.

  9.__________(not make) a model plane.

  10.What_____ (be) near the garden? There______(be ) a lot of houses.

  11.I _____ (not) have a telescope.

  12 They like_____ (fly) kites after class.

  13.______ you ____ (like) milk?

  14. Look, the bird is ____ (sing) in the tree.

  15. Can Kate _____(ski)? Yes. Look, She ____ ____ (ski) over there.

  16. Here ______(be) some change for you.

  17. My parents like ____ (drink) tea. Now, they ___ ____ (drink) tea in the room.

  18. How many students want _______(be) a doctor?

  19. I like ____ (have) noodles. Now I ___ _____ (have) noodles with my parents.

  20. What can your brother _____(do ) ? He can ____ (write) in English.

  What ____your brother _____(do) now? He ____ _____ (copy) words.

  21. _____ (not read) the newspaper.______ (read) the magazine ,please.

  22. What _______ the children _______(have)? They _______ (have) some cards.

  22. What _______ the woman _______(have)? She ______(have) a storybook.

  23. The boy ______ a yo-yo and his parents ______ some books. (have)

  24. Let’s _______(make) a cake now.

  25. Would you like _______(join) us?

  26. Shall we ______(learn) the English song now?

  27. I don’t know how _______ (cook) rice.

  28. Please show us how _______(clean) the window.

  29. Why don’t we _______(buy) a mask?

  30. I’ll _______(play) basketball with you.


标签: 2017英语五年级用动词适当形式填空习题
