
导读 大家好,乐天来为大家解答以下的问题,关于短袜英文,短裤英文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、A suit shorts例句:Not s


1、A suit shorts例句:Not surprisingly jeans, shorts and singlets are not appropriate, with gentlemen encouraged to wear either a suit or a jacket and tie.a pair of shorts, and a red bathing suit.一条短裤和一件红色游泳衣。

2、You need a bathing suit and a pair of shorts.你可以穿游泳衣和短裤。

3、Some require a dress code—suit and tie, corporate casual, or jeans and shorts.有些人要求规定穿甚么衣服 —— 西装领带、上班便服、或牛仔裤和短裤。

4、Some require a dress code—suit and tie, corporate casual, or jeans and shorts.有些人要求规定穿甚麽衣服 —— 西装领带、上班便服、或牛仔裤和短裤。

5、At one office you may wear a suit, and at another a T-Shirt, shorts and sandals is fine.在一个办公室,您可能穿着西装,在另一个办公室却可以享受T恤,短裤和拖鞋。

6、As a result, lots of questions came up about expectations and behavior patterns: Should he wear a bathing suit or shorts to school?结果,我们脑海里出现许多实际问题,例如:他应穿泳裤还是短裤到学校?For a country or beach escape, fine-tune your city duds as follows:Add a pair of jeans or shorts, a sun hat, a bathing suit and cover - up.乡村或海边周末:把你在城市中常穿的衣服适当地调整一下,加一条牛仔裤或短裤,一顶太阳帽,泳衣和浴巾。

7、For a country or beach escape, fine-tune your city duds as follows:Add a pair of jeans or shorts, a sun hat, a bathing suit and cover - up.乡村或海 边 周末:把你在城市中常穿的衣服适当地调整一下,加一条牛仔裤或短裤,一顶太阳帽,泳衣和浴巾。


