
导读 大家好,霖霖来为大家解答以上问题。2015年10月25日托福独立写作范文解析很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!  School should be


  School should be more focused on improving facilities (libraries, computers, or labs) for students than on hiring famous teachers.


  People in the past were friendlier than people today.



  1. Advanced facilities would help students understand the knowledge f

  rom textbooks better, thus improving the efficiency of education.

  2. Obviously, students’ interest would be intrigued by improved educational tools.

  3. It is an excellent opportunity for students to study independently by conducting experiments in labs and browsing the Internet on new computers.


  1. People in the past usually led a less pressured life, which means that they would cope with relationships with others better.

  2. The prevalence of telecommunication made people less concentrated on courtesy and more on efficiency during the communication.

  3. The social mobility has been stronger than ever before, indicating that people would pay less attention to maintaining relationships, naturally.



  It is an excellent opportunity for students to study independently by conducting experiments in labs and browsing the Internet on new computers. Apparently, students would learn much more and better memorize the knowledge if they learn by themselves and advanced facilities provide a great chance for them to explore. To be specific, youngsters may have new findings once they learn how to research a topic on Wikipedia and they can even get to know the cutting-edge knowledge with the help of first-class labs. All these merits brought by active study have much to do with the schools’ hardware, which deserves more investment than just hiring some well-known teachers.


  The prevalence of telecommunication made people less concentrated on courtesy and more on efficiency during the communication. People are used to chatting with each other on different APPs and it turns out that the information in each text is becoming increasingly simple and blunt. In this era with fast-paced life, less and less people spend time greeting each other and most of us now focus on how to transmit the information in a possibly shorter time. In the past, when the only option for communication was through mails or face-to-face conversation, communication was much more complicated because people had to be friendly to receive an effective reaction. Obviously, at that time, being friendly was not only courtesy but also requirement for communication.


标签: 2015年10月25日托福独立写作范文解析
